Event Calendar

Friday, October 11, 2024


Start Date: 10/9/2024 3:38 PM CDT
End Date: 10/11/2024 3:38 PM CDT

Venue Name: Online Event

Organization Name: The Louisiana Assisted Living Association

Event Staff
Email: events@mslala.org
Phone: (337) 254-8267

These Adult Residential Care (ARC) Core Training classes are part of a full online training program and will consist of online training in regulation laws and rules. Changes to Senior living regulations can occur annually based on legislative updates and during the interim periods in rule making. This class will provide an overview of the regulations, as well as a review of all current changes to the statutes and rules.  With all sessions completed, This full course will satisfy 12 hours of continuing education and you will have prepared yourself for state surveys. (1) CEU certificate offering per registration.

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 10/11/2025 3:38 PM

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LALA’s focus is on the Big Three: Legislation, Regulation, Education and also extends deeper into advocacy, networking, need-specific training, access to research and information, standards and partnerships, group purchasing, and professional development. By joining THIS Association, Senior Living Communities, Industry Businesses and Organizations can benefit from a range of valuable services and opportunities and higher level partnerships

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